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How to write a blog for ecommerce website | Blogging

 Ecommerce is a business which we do online. Amazon, Flipkart, ebay, and more are ecommerce businesses. These businesses have their websites which can be called as ecommerce website. Now, if you want to start blog-writing for your ecommerce website, so before you learn how to write them,  you must know these elements-

1- Target Audience
2- Sales Funnel
3- Goal of your blogpost
4- Keyword research
5- Topic research

1- Target Audience

Suppose you have an ecommerce business for shirts and t-shirts , you are selling those on your site, now for these products you should know your audience , to whom you want to sell, suppose for shirt and t-shirt your target audience can be male of age group between 18 to 35, if you want to sell your items to that age group and gender. So, now when you know your readers then you can surely make a plan of creating content on your blog for ecommerce site. Target audience helps you to know what type of content you can write for your ecommerce blog. You can use Google trends, MarketFinder to know where your target audience is. Like below , I have searched some regions for "buy shirt" for USA country.

dailynews intern , dailydaizyread, google trends helping to research for target audience in usa past 12 months for search term as buy shirt

2- Sales Funnel

There are mainly three types of funnel in sales funnel- Awareness, Consideration and Conversion. In awareness stage , you tell your audience about your brand, services, products etc. , in consideration stage you provide valuable contents to them and provide answers to their queries related to brand, services or businesses, then comes the conversion stage where you try to make your visitors to convert them into customers. Once you know where you are staying on the funnel , you can go writing your blog. Like , in our example of shirt and t-shirt , in the awareness stage we can write blogs on how our brand manufactures those, what kind of tshirts we have, their colors, sizes plus how are they made with, are they made up of cotton, linen , jeans etc. , we can show images and videos of our product in blogs , now let us move ahead towards the next funnel i.e. Consideration ,after your audience get to know about your t-shirt, shirts and brand , they might have some question related to your items like the price range, can shirts be returnable , about refund policies, shipping methods,  how your shirt is compatible for males of different age groups, like for age of 18-25 years old how your item can be suitable for them like college wear, school wears, outdoor and indoor wears, then for age group between 28 to 40 , how your shirts or tshirt can be suitable for them for office wears, party wears, and more.  Next is Conversion, so your audience got to know about your brand and its product , and got answers to every query of your items, now in the conversion stage you have to convert these audience into customers so you can chose to write on coupons or offers you are providing, or benefits of shopping with you, doing any event where you sell your products in less price, or doing any event on any days like Mother's day, Fathers' day, any school or college events, etc. 

3- Goal of your blogpost

You should keep in your mind while creating a blogpost for ecommerce business, goals can be like you want your audience to know know your brand, or you want your audience to engage with you, mean to say understand the funnel and fix your goal. Goals can be other than funnel stage , like gaining website traffic , better SEO ranking, reaching to potential customers like in our example of shirt and tshirt, we can write a blog keeping in mind college students of age group between 18 to 25. 

4- Keyword research

Perform the best keyword research , use tools like Google trends , Google keyword planner, Answer the public and more free tools are there. While doing it remember to look for keyword difficulty, search volume, CPC bids, competition level and relevancy. Use keywords which are relevant to your business and that can make to reach your target audience, use long-tail keywords, look into your competitors keywords and see is there any keyword they missed to work upon,  include how tos, what are , when is etc. in your keywords research, like in our example of shirt and t-shirt , we can include-  why t-shirts are most preferable these days, which t-shirt printing is best, how to order a t-shirt of preferred size or color, how to choose a shirt or t-shirt for yourself, etc. 

5- Topic research

Research your topic according to your need , target audience and sales funnel stage, and moreover research those topics that may not be for your business but those topics can help you to reach your customers, like in our example of shirt and t-shirt where target audience is male of ages between 18-25 , here we can include topics like best things to do in holidays, tourists location, etc. , just get those topics which can be valuable for your audience, try to know issues or problems your audience is getting while buying your product like sometimes we do not know how one can choose a shirt for their dad , or for their friends, even we get stuck while shopping and try to know which t-shirt or shirt would be the best fit , so include all these in your topics list and then start blogging for your ecommerce business website .Use tools like Buzzsumo, BlogIdeas Generator to get some topic ideas.

How to write a blog for ecommerce website

Now you know your target audience , keywords, sales funnel stage , topics, and goal, so just go ahead and create a content calendar like on Mondays to Thursdays you will be writing 10-15 articles  and on Fridays and Saturdays you will be doing keywords research and get some more topic ideas.

For your blog content- Choose a headline , include sub headings , use high quality media like images or videos, include customer testimonials, reviews, perform SEO for your blog, try to make your content as valuable and original, make your blog content engaging, write awesome conclusion, with no grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes, edit and proofread it before you publish it, and once you publish always remember to share it on every kind of social media channels.

Benefits of writing blogs for your business or ecommerce website are - Getting more engagement, getting more web traffic, increase SEO ranking, increase brand trust, getting more customers , get online customer reviews , get a well communication with your customers, marketing in low cost, understanding the level of sales funnel and then making a site visitor to convert into a customer, increase in conversion rates and more.  

I hope you must have got an idea how one can write blog for ecommerce website.

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