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International Friendship Day | Facts and Story

 Friendship is beyond other relations. A friend can be the best person for you with whom we enjoy the most happy moments of our lives. We may sometimes get into un-pleased but still somewhere in us they are always remembered.  We should make friends , having a good friend is better for a delightful life. So, in this blog we are going to talk about International Friendship Day which is celebrated on 30th July of every year. Let us know some FAQs for this event-

When did International Friendship Day start

The idea of friendship day was given by J C Hall in 1919, he wanted that a day in the global calendar should be a holiday where friends can celebrate there friendship, he proposed 2 Aug as the date but it could not roll up so far. Then,  The another story is that in Paraguay , Dr. Ramon Artemio Brancho was having dinner with his friends in 1958 and they all together proposed a day to friendship , so 20th July was taken as the day for this event , in most places of South America it is on 20th. At last in 1998 , UN General Assembly remarked 30th July as the International Friendship Day 

Why this event should be celebrated?

Today is the world of internet, we can make friends globally. Having a friend in other part of the world can make you know different culture , different cuisines, volunteering for causes, even working together and playing games online. This day is just to bring more harmony, engaging moments, mutual recognition, knowing each other 's nation , distinct culture and more. The most important fact behind this day is to popularize friendship because in this type of connection we do not see color, style, or anything that we might hate in us.

What countries celebrate this event?

It is not necessary that every country or organization has to celebrate this event on 30th July, as this day was just proposed by UN General Assembly just to intensify friendship. National Friendship Day in India is the first Sunday of August month, while in Singapore it is enjoyed on Third Friday of April.

What is the theme for this day 2024?

For 2023 , "Sharing the Human Spirit through Friendship" was the theme for International Friendship Day and for 2024 it is "Friendship - A bridge across cultures". These themes are announced by UN.

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Any Amazing story behind this event??

Yes , an amazing story behind Friendship Day is that, on 20th July 1969  a man called Enrique Ernesto Febbraro from Argentina was watching television , he was watching Neil Armstrong to be the first to step on the moon, so Enrique realized that this moment is going to be celebrated the most important in the mankind history so he started writing letters to people around the world , suggesting that let us enjoy this by doing friendship , he wanted to start International Friendship Day, so he wrote 1000 letters of which he got reply from 700 people. Since then , Friendship Day is celebrated on 20th July across Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil and Spain. Moreover, Enrique Ernesto was given Noble Peace Prize for this activity which can bring peace and togetherness.

Famous Quotes for Friendship

"Love is soul then friendship is honesty"

"Friends should be close even they are abroad"

"Meeting together is friendship when that meeting is not for any reason"

"Let the world be friend with each other, this can bring peace alone"

"We can be united , because Friendship cannot be divided"

"Between two people relationship, Friendship is the best policy"

"Implant this seed today, Friendship is the seed of joy"

"However rare is true love, it is less than true friendship"- Einstein

"True friendship is like a mirror, showing the best and worst in us"-Lord Ram


So, friendship day is globally on 30th July of each year. We should never forget this event as this can bring a lot of us together. 

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