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What is original content and its properties?How to create valuable unique original content for blog and youtube.

 Hello friends, a very warm welcome to all. In this post, we will know what original content is. This is a very big question in the world of blogging and content marketing that for search engines like Google, YouTube, Yahoo, and more, what is original and valuable content and how to create one for your blog or youtube.
What does it mean? What constitutes a unique, valuable, or original material, and what properties it possesses. to get an answer to this question I researched for a long time, and here is the result of my research on it. To know what is the original content, one must read Google Publisher Policies, Adsense Program Policies, YouTube Content Policies and Read the Google Webmasters Guidelines and Content Policies very carefully, after reading them I think I have an answer or solution or guide to the original content, I will give you,  the definition of original content and what are the properties of the good and bad quality content,  and how can we create original content for our blog website,  so that we can get higher ranking in search results.

What is Original Content?

Here is the definition of original content, original content is content that is neither duplicated nor replicated, it is unique and relevant to the niche topic or title, original valuable content is a type of unique content that provides greater valuable pieces of information or data which later gives a value or help to user's life. A valuable and unique content that provides a good user or reader or viewer experience and has its own unique identity. Yes, original content is content that is valuable to users and moreover, new on the search engines to users, it is readable and viewable. Never copyright or duplicate any content from the internet for your blog or videos for your youtube channel, as it would become useless to search engines hence that is available there, Search engines allow original, valuable, new, unique content to rank higher on the search results page. Read Google Webmasters Guidelines and Content Policies to understand in deep understanding what is original, unique, and valuable content. Google and youtube search engines support new or latest articles written for new era users of the world. Try to write your blog posts by your own hand and in your unique way, give them some originality and identity, and make them valuable for readers or viewers. Guides, news, tutorials, information, or something important, include it in your blog, write content for latest era topics and queries in educating, training, jobs, technology, shopping, money,businesses, lifestyle,culture ,and more, these types of content are most welcomed by search engines. Original content is content or article on a topic or keyword for which there is no content or few articles or not a quality content is available on Google or Youtube for that particular topic or title and most importantly it is full of valuable pieces of information or data or views or reaction, a content which helps others is valuable content.

Properties of Original Content, Valuable or Unique Content

Now let us move ahead and talk about the properties of original content for a blog website or youtube videos. Here are some properties of content which shows how content can be of good quality and bad quality. The properties of original and valuable content include,
>first, it must be able to read and provide a great user experience, whenever any user of your website reaches to content it must in such away that it appeals to the user to read it. After reading your articles or blogposts users must feel value and get results.
>Second is, your content must be relevant to the niche topic, original content has this property of relevancy, the content must be according to the title of the article and the niche of the website.
>Third, original content be always unique and valuable, and has a unique identity, it means that there are many blog posts and articles for any chosen topic are available on Google and youtube but original content is written in such a way that though it is the same topic based content for many websites, it is still latest and new content, original content has its own identity. To provide an identity to your content
you must write it or present it in your own unique words or style or you must write the content of more than 1000-2000 words so that your content automatically profits or gain a unique identity for that particular title or niche topic. Try to make it unique by providing or adding the latest and new pieces of information, knowledge, experience, etc., try to make it new on search engines for any relevant keyword.You must had seen the difference between the content of Wikipedia and other websites. Moreover, content are written on keyword basis so get all those left keywords for which no or very less content are available and keywords which can make your content unique.Read more to learn more about unique identity.
>Next is, original content is always rich and of high quality, this means that your content must be able to answer all queries of users for which they reach your website or blog or youtube videos. 
>Your content must be regularly updated so that it can be read and understood easily by new visitors to your blog.
>There must be no duplicacy of any content in your original content.

Now, let us know some properties of bad quality content which can never be original content. Original content is not duplicated, not replicated, neither scraped nor contains dangerous or illegal content. Your content must not be copied and pasted, your content must not be created with the help of any software or tools or does not contain copywriting, copyrighted images, text, media, moreover, it must not be scraped from any other website content.it must not be about dangerous or illegal businesses like drugs, adultery, hacks, criticism to anyone,it must not be subject to any dangerous or violent activities. Thus, content that is duplicated, replicated, scraped, dangerous, illegal, useless, irrelevant, and has no identity is bad quality content.

How to create original content?

Writing your blog posts or creating your content for youtube or content marketing, has now become easier and simple for us as we have got to know so much about original content, now let us go to our next part of this post, let us talk about how to create original contents for a blog or youtube videos, 
here are some steps to follow to do so, 
  • First before one goes for creating content for any particular topic, one must perform proper research about that topic, we must do proper keyword research and get those keywords that are popular and not so much good quality content is available for it on search engines i.e.Research for your topic based long-tail keywords with low or medium competition having good monthly searches.
  •  Second, get those top questions or queries searched by users of internet related to your topic, one can use Google question hub for getting those top queries and many tools like google trends, blog ideas generator and more free blogging tools are available online through which one can get help or ideas to you write an original article, you can subscribe to this blog and read my blog posts on top free blogging tools which help us in writing or creating original and valuable content by telling you what keywords or queries are top searched on Google, Youtube, Yahoo and more
  • The third is ,write your content in your own unique style, create content with your hand, type those words by yourself, create contents that can be easily understood and have rich quality information. 
  • the Fourth step is, try to create content of more than 1000-2000 words for website blog or youtube videos in higher length with important or valuable pieces of information in it. Try to give it an identity and try to share real views or reactions.
  • The fifth step is, you can read this post again and can know more about the properties of original content and its properties of good and bad quality content so that you can get an idea of original content. then, accordingly, we think that you can start your own first blogposts or write content or produce youtube videos. 
NOTE: Do check your content with plagiarism checker tool, Duplin checker for knowing if your content is original or not, use these tools to know how much duplicity is present in your content.
Thank you for reading this post.


We can create original content for our blog or youtube channel as we now know the Good and bad quality content properties, and how some tools like Google Question Hub, Google Trends can help you to create original, valuable and unique content or article for website or content marketing or youtube channel,blog and more.Original contents gets higher rank on search engines always. We got to know about what is original ,unique and valuable content and its properties in this blogpost. 

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