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How to optimize blog posts for SEO | SEO Blog writing Checklist

 Blogs are websites where you can share your experiences and knowledge to the whole world on online platforms. Blog posts are articles , or written content on any topic. Now, when you write your blog content and after publishing them , you need to do on-page seo for it ,which is a time taking step if we go for doing it for our each blogpost. So, to solve this problem, we can create a SEO optimized content for our blog, in this page we have suggested how to optimize blog posts for SEO using a checklist which needs to be taken into consideration to make your blogpost SEO optimized.

It is very important for us to publish a content on our blog which can be searched easily on search engines, whenever our targeted keyword is searched. Moreover, SEO should be done so that search engine bots can understand our blogpost easily. 

how to optimize your blog post for SEO, here is an image telling about checklist which one must consider while writing the blogpost so it automatically gets SEO optimized.dailynewsintern blogspot,

Optimize Blog Post for SEO. How?

So , if you want to optimize your blogpost for SEO , here is a checklist which needs to be considered-

1- Keyword research
2- Placing keywords in title and description
3- Keyword stuffing
4- Only one H1 tag
5- Alt text for images
6- Schema markup for videos and content
7- At least two internal links
8- At least one external link
9- Placing keyword in first and last paragraph of your article
10- Understanding search intent
11- Mobile responsive
12- Content readability
13- Content length 
14- Including primary keywords in Content URL
15- Content Quality

Now , let us talk about each checklist

1- Keyword research

Perform keyword research for the topic on which you are going to write. Have at least 3 - 5 keywords which you can include in your blogpost, have at least one primary keyword which you will include in your title , description and URL slug.

2- Keywords in Meta Title and Description

Include your primary keyword in title, keyword which you think this keyword matches search intent of the searcher and you know that for the same keyword ,your content is written and you have clearly solved the user 's problem or query. Moreover, include your searched keywords in your description in such a way that anyone can understand - what is your blogpost about? 

3- Keyword stuffing

Insert your keywords in your content , stuffing must be 2-3% of your blogpost words, like - insert your keywords 2 to three times if your content size is of 100 words only. It is very necessary for blog post SEO optimization that you do a good keyword research , get at least three to five keywords and stuff them in your blogpost as 2-3% of the whole blogposts words size. Like , if you have three keywords and your content length is 1000 then insert each keyword 3 times , a total of 9 times. Make sure when you put those keywords ,it must be relevant to your heading , niche , topic which you have selected. 

4- At Least one H1 heading 

Have at least H1 heading with subheadings as H2, H3,H4 and more. Remember H1 header , has to be used only once in the whole article and in the H1 tag you must include your keywords which you researched. This is important because when search engine bots comes to your content it sees title, description and H1 tag to understand clearly for what your article is about?  Like , in this article I have inserted one H1 tag where I have used " BlogPost SEO optimize" as my keyword. You can have more than one tags for H2, H3,H4,H5,H6.

5- ALT text for images

Every image in your blogpost should contain alt text which describes that image. It is important because when your image does not get loaded on search engine , these alt text can describe those images to visitors. And , moreover , it helps search engines bots to know about your image , alt text makes bots to understand what that image is about and later those images can show up in Google images when anyone searches for those keywords which you have put in alt text. So, include your keywords in images' alt text.

6- Schema Markup for Videos and Content

Schema mark up is an language that is used by bots to understand about each elements of blogpost and how is that blogpost related to your website , plus it helps bots to understand and search out valuability in your content, and understand that-" is that content valid for the any search query". Later , Google uses it for Rich Results which is also a part of SEO. So, always have a schema markup for your web pages, web content like videos.  

7- At least two internal links 

Internal links are those hyperlinks or anchor text link which opens up within your website. These are very important because it connects one web page to another web page or blogpost within a website. It resembles bots to know about your website niche and its structure. So, remember to include it at least two times in the blogpost.

8- At least one external link

 External link are those links or anchor text links which opens up to another website. Your blogpost must have at least one outbound link which opens up to another website. It helps your site visitors to easily reach to your resources, and if you are telling about any software or tools in your content then it makes visitors to easily reach to those software or tools. Thus, it provides a good user experience. And moreover for SEO , it resonates that your websites has connection with other good authority websites.

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9- Placing your keywords in First and last paragraph

Include your primary keywords in your introduction and conclusion part of your blogposts. This helps users plus bots to get an idea about content.

10- Understanding Search Intent

Search intent is the intention of the searchers who write their queries in words on search engines, like if you want a recipe on food cake then you may search for best recipe for food cake at home . So, while creating your post on your blog ,this is very important for SEO prospects that your meets the intention of the query and fulfills its resolution. Content written with search intent may get good rank and traffic. So, before you go for publishing your content, read out the content again and satisfy that your content is providing whatever your users are searching.

11- Mobile Responsiveness

Your blogpost must be optimized for mobiles, because these days people browse on mobiles more than desktop or tablet. So, while inserting your images and typography of your content, take care that it is easily viewable, readable , understandable on any kind of mobiles. It is important part which you must consider for blogpost SEO optimization.

12- Content readability

Content is king. So, write it in such a way that any kind of visitors on your website can understand it easily. Write it in such a way it involves user , use words like you , your, we, them ,it more in your content. Write it in such a way like you are talking to the visitor. you must take care of your blog post format and its structure blog post format and its structure while writing it.

13- Content length

Your content must be of at least 400 words where you can easily make your visitor to understand about the topic you are writing. Well, best practices says that content of 700-1000 words , and a well written plus valuable and original content gets more visibility. Learn about what is original and valuable content.

14- Keywords in URL slug

URL slug is important for SEO optimization, if your web page or blogpost URL contains your keywords then it can be easily fetch by bots when that particular keyword is earched. It is one of the most important element while optimizing your blogpost for SEO.

15- Content quality

As I said above Content is King !! SO, write your content of high quality, quality is better than quantity. Learn about good and bad properties of a content good and bad properties of a content and write your high valued content which provide a good user experience plus it solve the problem of the query.

So, above were some SEO blog writing checklist and tips which can you use to optimize your blogpost for SEO. Doing SEO optimization for content you publish on blogs is very important because it is SEO which can bring your article on first page of Google and get more visibility.

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