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How to promote your blog on social media | Blogging

Using Social media platforms is the best way to increase blog traffic , we can use them to promote our blog and get organic reaches and impressions. There are more than 70% of world population present on social media, we all have profiles on Facebook , Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. , people do read and watch posts from others and we ourselves do so. Everyone has different interest , we all like to watch posts on social media related to our interest. So, if you have a blog and want to reach those people present on social media who may have similar interest as per your blog niche , then these methods can do so. 

Best ways to promote your blog on Social Media Channels

  • 1- Share your blog URL on each social media channels
  • 2- Use images or videos
  • 3- Write a paragraph
  • 4- Use hashtags
  • 5- Create pages or group on each social media channels
  • 6- Have a YouTube channel
  • 7- Paid Ads
  • 8- Link your blog to social media channels
  • 9- Follow influencers in your niche
  • 10- Use of insights
  • 11- Engage with your audience
  • 12- Ask your audience to share your content
  • 13-Use of OG tags

1- Share your blog link on each social media channels

Use every kind of social media channels like Fb, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, etc. to promote your blog links. Use A/B testing of posts on Facebook for links where provide different paras , hashtags , to know which kind of post is working and is winner. 

2- Use images or video

Use high quality images or create engaging video of your blog for social media promotion. Use free AI tools to create them just writing a prompt or providing the blogpost link. 

3- Write a paragraph

While creating your posts on Fb, Instagram etc. , write paragraphs of at least 25 words where you tell about your blogposts , include emojis in your paragraph to make it more interesting. Include your keywords in paragraphs , hence we know that Google shows Social media posts in their search results, so when anyone searches for those keywords your posts may show up.

4- Use hashtags

Hashtags help people to know about posts, use them wisely, use those hashtags which are getting popularity and are relevant to your blog. Give at least 5 hashtags to your social media posts. 

5- Create pages or group on each social media channels

Create your own online social audience by creating pages or groups on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. , create them in your niche and then keep on posting on each day , once you get an audience of more than 500 people , start promoting your blog on these pages and groups. Join other pages and groups in your niche and ask them to allow you posting your blogpost link there. This is the best way to increase traffic to your blog using social media channels.

6- Have a YouTube channel

 Create a YouTube channel , and for your every blogpost ,launch a video on this platform. YouTube channel can surely help you to boost your blog. Creating this, can get you an audience and moreover providing your blogposts link in video description may get some clicks which can be a great backlink plus a source of web traffic. 

7- Paid Ads

To gain more viewers for your blog , you can surely run paid ads on social media channels. Facebook and Instagram are the best if you want brand awareness, while LinkedIn is best for B2B advertising & recruitment campaigns , moreover Twitter is known for large audience, YouTube is best for sales campaigns, selling services like courses, tutorials, freelancing, drop shipping and more. All these platforms provide options like Reach, Increase traffic, Sales, Conversions, Leads, Views, Clicks etc. to chose as your campaign objective or goal of your ads , so to promote your blog you can chose the objective as per need and run ads. 

8- Link your blog to social media channels

Provide links of your social media pages, groups , channels on your blog as widgets. Include those Fb pages link, YouTube channel URL, LinkedIn profile , Twitter account , Pinterest URL in your social media widget of the blog. Moreover, do provide an option to blog readers for sharing your blog to these platforms.

9- Follow influencers in your niche

Influencers are those users of social media channels who have a lot of followers and likes on their account, so try to find them and ask to share your blog link on their profile so your blog can get a promotion to a larger audience. 

10- Use of insights

See insights of your posts and try to know which kind of audience is viewing them, know what time that audience is mostly online, and what type of content is getting most engagement, then according to your analytics share your blog URL so it can reach to the most number of users.

11- Engage with your audience

Engage with your social media audience , never be late at replying and giving any reaction to those comments. If there are any bad comments , do acknowledge them too and resolution to their issue. Never forget to thank those who comments or feedback is nice. Write for them , include their comments in your blog, this way you can promote your website on social media and later you may get a good number engagements from these users also.

12- Asking your audience to share your content

Request your social media audience , to share your content , like while posting your blog on these you can include "Please Like and Share". Anyway if you are writing a valuable content which can help people then surely they are going to share that. Remember to use WhatsApp as a button in your Fb page or post so users can easily share them.

13- Use of Open Graph

Open graphs tags are mostly used to make a blogpost or any content that how it should look when shared on social media channels, using these can make your content look more professional. You can use Twitter card tags also. 

We can now easily promote our blog site using above methods, well, some of more can be Social bookmarking, Scheduling regular posts, Using well organized title and descriptions etc.


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