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Blog traffic tips | Increase traffic to your blog | Blogging

 Creating a blog does not takes time but writing a blog post can take, and getting traffic to this is not an easier thing. But you can increase views and session if you have good knowledge about your topics or niche and know what are your audience. To get more users to visit on your blog ,you must know what type of people are visiting and what are their motives. Here are some tips which can help you to get more traffic on your blog.

 Understand your niche and users intent

First, know your niche, if your blogging topic is ,lets say travel. then write blog posts only for the selected topic ,lets take an example you are writing about travel from Spain to London, now here increase value ,fill your post with more information like price of the whole journey , hotels to take, places to visit,  etc.  . Write in such a way it is more user oriented and people when they reach to your site they get to know everything about that particular topic. Try to know why users came to blog and what they searched for. Read more to know How can Google analytics and search console helps us for knowing user intent.

Keyword research 

Use the technique of keyword research , get more long tail keywords for your topic , try to get more and more keywords relevant to your blog title and then produce a post according to those keywords. Use those keywords in headings and then write about each heading, this helps users to understand your post easily.And , this will increase session of a page ,users would stay for a longer time on your blog.

Internal links

Use internal links to your written blogposts so when users reach to your web page they keeps on engaging to other posts in your website. 


Do a good SEO for your blog, On Page SEO can help search engines bots to understand about the content of your blog-site while Off page SEO methods can help you help to get better ranking. Create more back-links and do a perfect where On Page SEO, know each elements of On Page SEO and perform a well On Page SEO. 

Social Media shares

Well, this is the best and easiest way to increase traffic to site, just keeps on posting your web Urls on each social media channels , more you share more views you can get. Use media chaneels like Pineterest , Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Telegram, Twitter , LinkedIn and more. You can use Youtube for getting more traffic , Youtube is the second best search engine after Google , so just create a video on the blog topic for which you have written and share it on the best video platform i.e. Youtube.

Using Google Analytics and Google Search Console

Insert Google Analytics and Google search console tags in your website so that you can know the behavior of your users , their demographics, landing pages, user intent, and more. You can know what blog post which are getting most views and what are search queries for which your blog post was there on search engines  and to which position it was there. By knowing all these you can share your famous blogposts more on social channels and use search queries to create more back-links so that your blog post can get better ranking for that query. Knowing your users demographics, you can produce more blogposts for that audience. So, using these two, you can understand better about your audience and later can target these audience in an effective way to get better rank and traffic.

Regular Updates and Consistency

Keep on regularly updating your blog if it is needed and be consistent on posting more. This is what blogger missed , after creating a blog ,many bloggers just write some posts and forget of it. This become harmful because when search engine see that there s no regularity or consistency to the blog site it watches it as little value or moreover, users of the blog also became less interested to that kind of blog.  So, keep up a consistency , write at least one blogpost for each week or in a month,just to remember to update any blogpost which you had written in last year or month ,may be it needs some updates so update them and keep on blogging more content.

Write High Quality Content

You should write your content in a such a way that it bring some value to users, when users reach to content , they felt it valuable for them and get a good user experience. Write blogpost according to your given title of that blogpost ,give it more relevancy and uniqueness. Know here How to write original, valuable and a content filled with good properties of a content .

Try to get more people to subscribe to blog so You can use email marketing where you must have emails of your users and later keeps on telling them whats new on your blog. Have a check on comments on your blogposts and do comment back to those ,this can build a good relationship with your visitors. And, at last you can use paid ads to get more blog traffic So, hope that this blogpost must have helped you to understand how can you increase traffic to your blog. 

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