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Online teaching tools for teachers free | Technology

Top Free Educational Technology Tools for Teachers

In this blog post, we have written about some free and best teaching tools which can be used by teachers for teaching students. Free tools for virtual meetings, for creating teaching materials, for creating assessment or quiz,  free tools for creating forms and more. Online teaching is now getting popular , in Covid lockdown due to Corona spreaded ,  schools were closed then many free teaching tools were used, here are some of the best free online tools you can use for educational purposes.

Free online tools for virtual meeting or creating an online classroom

1- Zoom 

Zoom is also called Zoom meeting because it is a very popular web and mobile app program which is available on both Desktop and Mobile for creating a platform where people can connect via a link and you can share screen and record the whole video conference at the same time. Teachers can use this for creating a class group of students and then teaching them online, teachers can create an interactive classroom session using this tool.  Zoom is a free video conferencing online tool.

2- Google Meet 

Google Meet is online video conferencing tool provided by Google, you can use this to create a meeting where students can connect to one meeting via a link. It is free and easy to use. It is available on both desktop as well as mobile.

3- Microsoft Teams

Microsoft teams is also an online free video conferencing tool we can use for teaching purpose ,here we need to create one Microsoft email address account and then we can use this for chatting, calls, meetings, and more. This is one of the best tool for video conferencing where you can invite participants  , share screen , record screen , share files and more. 

4- Zoho Meetings

Zoho Meetings is a free tool for creating meetings or video conferencing ,it is free upto 60 minute for upto 100 participants with unlimited number of meetings. Here, a professor can embed a meeting url , and ask students to connect via that link and then you can share your screen and teach them online. You can record your teaching sessions and later can distribute those recorded sessions to students so that they can watch it again.

Free Online Tools to Create Teaching Materials like Quizzes, Assessment or Forms

1- Google Slides

You can use this to create a teaching material where you can create slides and teach students by showing each slide. This is completely free and can be used to create lessons. presentation with images or videos, for making notes and more. 

2- Google Forms

Google Forms is also a free online tool provided by Google which you can use for teaching purposes. Teachers can use this tool creating a quiz, test , where teachers can create question with optional answers or can create test without giving any options for answer. Create a form quiz or test and then provide that link to students and later you can see what numbers of students took the test and how much they scored. 

3- Google Classroom

Google classroom is the best teaching tool provided by Google. using this teachers can easily collaborate with students. Teacher can create a video meeting or classroom, can create assessments , share teaching materials in form of videos, pdf, ppt, images etc. , creating home works and keeping track record, manage feedbacks and grades. This tool is widely used for educational purpose by professors or lecturers in schools , colleges and even universities.  

Some more free tools like Animoto which can be used for creating educational videos, Canva is also a free tool which teachers can use to create educational images , Storybird is free digital tool where teachers can create stories or books with images and more. 

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