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Essay on Coronavirus full detail in English | Prevention and causes of Covid 19 First cases

Looking for the causes and prevention of Covid 19 in 2021, you have reached the right place read the blog for What is Coronavirus, How it spreads, What are its prevention measures, and more.  Here is an essay story on Coronavirus, COVID-19 in detail.
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What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a SARS virus-related virus that causes Covid-19 disease. Covid 19 disease happens because of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, this for the first time came into effect in China at Wuhan in Dec 2019.

A group of related viruses of RNA, coronaviruses infect from animals to humans and humans to humans... It can cause diseases to mammals like bats, Coronavirus can cause disease of diarrhea in cows and pigs and moreover, it can infect mice with hepatitis disease. In humans it starts with mild symptoms to a fatal disease, it starts with cold or cough or fever-like mild illness and can cause fatal diseases like Covid 19, SARS, MERS.  ,

Coronavirus is Zoonotic Virus or Zoonosis ?

Detailed research has replied that Coronavirus is a zoonotic virus that means zoonosis, zoonotic disease means a disease that is caused due to bacteria, viruses or parasites and is a communicated disease that can be caused by animals to humans. So, coronavirus diseases are Zoonotic diseases as it also can be caused or infected from animals to humans, Information states that SARS-CoV was found transmitted to humans from a cat and a similar coronavirus like infecting virus is MERS-CoV was found transmitted to humans from camels. Some examples of zoonotic diseases are plague by rats, rabies by dogs, influenza, and more.

How it Happens -Coronavirus Genetic Code?

Coronavirus is a zoonotic related virus and disease which is caused from animals to humans, a study has shown us that coronavirus SARS-CoV2 has been available on earth in Bats and cats for a long time, its genetic codes were in silent mutations when coronavirus was infected in bats or animals but when the same virus is infected to humans it is showing changes in its own genetic codes. 

The first Time Coronavirus Covid 19 came to known us?

It was 1 Dec 2019 when it was told that SARS COV -2 Coronavirus disease was transmitting and now also is prospering and thus coronavirus pandemic continues. It can be caused to humans during a cough or sneeze or contact with infected animals or humans.
First identified in Wuhan, the capital of Hubai in China.

Other forms of Coronavirus has been discovered in the past also 

SARS -COV 2 is a newly founded type virus of Coronavirus. 

How Coronavirus Tranmits from Human to Human?

It at the first place gets infected to a person who was traveling in China, it was a marketplace where animals and seafood were to be sold and a man there was found infected with the coronavirus, the person got it infected by animals. When a person gets infected with it through animals, now if the same person sneezes or coughs or gets into contact with another human then the other person may get coronavirus transmitted through the droplets of cough or sneeze too. So take care that doesn't come in contact with any type of environment which may contain coronavirus. It may transmit to a human if the person contacted any surface of the material which has contaminated droplets on it.
When it comes into contact with a human body, it takes 2 to 14 days to expose symptoms.
From China, the disease gets in spread all over the world.

Causes of Coronavirus Disease Covid 19-

Coronavirus Covid 19 Disease is a disease that is caused due to a virus, not bacteria. 

That virus is SARS COV 2 which gets in recognization when in China many patients with pneumonia were reported and later in other parts world like Italy, South Korea, more cases were reported. After so many cases with the same symptoms reported WHO  World Health Organization called for the pandemic internationally.

 SARS COV 2 is a coronavirus that causes Covid 19 and its causes are its transmission from human to human or animals to humans. The primary mode of SARS COV 2 transmission is that when an infected is closer to you and you get infected through sneezes droplets or cough. 

This disease can be caused by a person who is being infected by SARS COV 2 virus i.e. Coronavirus and traveling with it , sneezing or coughing and those droplets of them get contact with the other people around the environment

Symptoms of Coronavirus disease -

When a person gets infected with SARS COV 2, the virus start it work and its exposure can be known within 2 to five days , it starts with the mild exposures like cold fever and cough but later turn into diarrhea or pneumonia or can lead to death. The infected person may show following Coronavirus COVID-19 disease symptoms.-

  • Cold
  • Fever
  • Dry COugh
  • Sneezing
  • Runny Nose
  • FAtique
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sore throat
Later it becomes fatal can show the following symptoms-

  • Decreased function of Kidneys
  • WBCs deficiency
  • Diarrhea
  • Pneumonia
The person infected if not cared for may lead to death.
ऊष्मायन अवधि  (संक्रमण और लक्षणों की उत्पत्ति के बीच का समय) पर्वतमाला 1 से 14 दिनों से है, हालांकि सबसे अधिक 5 दिन है।

Incubation period of covid 19 is 1 to 14 days. It will take 1-14 days to show its symptoms on human once it gets infected.

Prevention and Measures for COVID 19

SARS COV 2 is an infectious virus and using the following prevention measures you can be in a safe place.Safety and measures for controlling Covid 19 were told by World Health Organization in Feb 2020. China implemented it as soon as possible it started from there, from seafood and market of animals in the capital of Huawei, Wuhan city. 2020 china asked its citizen to take prevention measures for coronavirus covid 19.

2020 china ask its citizen taake prevention measures for coronavirus covid 19
prevention covid 19 diseases who

  • People are advised to wear a surgical mask 
  • Don't get in touch with an infected person or animal. 
  • Wash your hands before one touches mouth,nose, or eyes
  • Maintain Social Distance in public places
  • Cover mouth or nose when one sneezing or coughing
  • Make the best use of Sanitizer
  • Use your own towel
  • Use your own washed clothes daily.
  • Use hand sanitizer after you touched any item regularly

Before you go to bed 5 points to remember during Coronavirus-Covid 19

  1. Wash your hands with soap or use sanitizer
  2. Wash your mouth
  3. Before you touch your eyes use hand sanitizer regularly
  4. Spray Sanitizer all over the room
  5. Get all your bed sheets washed 

First Deaths Due to COVID 19 

In the end of Dec 2019 People, Republic of China's researchers and doctors reported several pneumonia patients in Wuhan. Later they got to know it was the SARS COV 2 virus,a family of coronavirus behind the pneumonia cases. Now, Spreading all over the world from Jan 2020 to now, many had died and many cases are still available all over the world.

On 26 Feb 2020, it was a total of 81,278 cases all over the world in China, South Korea, London,Japan, Australia, and more in March 2021,it has been reported that more than 300 cases are being recorded every day.
First death happens in China at Wuhan due to covid 19 and Firstime death outside China happens in Philippines and Outside Asia in Paris

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